Robert Lee Research Paper

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Robert Edward Lee born in January 19, 1807 in Stratford, Virginia, United States. Robert was the fifth child and third son of Henry, also called “Light-Horse Harry,” Lee and Anne Hill (Carter) Lee, war born at “Stratford,” Westmoreland County. Robert studied at Alexandria schools and had also displayed aptitude for mathematics, Robert led a normal, outdoor life, but from boyhood he had to take care of his ill mother. In 1824 he realize his father’s military career and was inspired to take the opportunity of procuring a professional education without draining the limited financial resource of his family, this led him to seek appointment to West Point. Robert entered in 1825, much more mature and better prepared than the average boy of his age, he has a scholarship and with his proficiency in military exercise, became an adjutant of the corps, and graduated number two in the class of 1829 without a demerit. …show more content…

Pulaski, Ga., and Ft. Monroe, VA. But while being stationed in Ft. Monroe, Robert got married at “Arlington,” June 30, 1831, Mary Ann Randolph Custis, only daughter of George Washington Parke Custis, grandson of Martha Washington. Association with Custis and with the Washington traditions at “Arlington” made his father’s old commander Lee’s ideas, whom he seems consciously to have emulated in his bearing and in his conception of duty. His marriage was happy. Mrs. Lee was not a housekeeper, she was an intelligent and appreciative women, she speaks strongs in her political likes and dislikes. A constant reader, she had a deeply religious nature. She held his love, without a suggestion of wavering, though nearly forty years of married life. She bore him seven children, George Washington Custis, Mary, William H. Fitzhugh and Robert left issue. The others died