
Robin Williams: Bipolar Disorder Analysis

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In 2014 a cherished and loved, actor and comedian took his own life. He struggled for years with some disorders that many did not even know about. He left behind a wife and three kids, all because of this nasty disease. Robin Williams was in the spotlight for many, many years and some think that this could have something to do with his suicide. Also, he is a type 7, so this can have a connection to some of his personality traits. Robin Williams was affected by his celebrity life in many ways and some of his problems were connected to his Enneagram space 7. Robin Williams struggled with bipolar disorder for years. Many very creative people are known to have bipolar disorder, so it was not a shock to some. Bipolar disorder can also be known …show more content…

Having depression and being bipolar is horrible and something that no one ever wants to have to go through. While having depression you have episodes of times when you do not even want to get out of bed. These episodes can last days, weeks, and sometimes even months.3 Some can mistake depression for “just in a bad mood,” and that is nowhere near compared to what it actually is. Being in a “good mood” you have a feeling of self confidence, happiness and joy in yourself.4 We tend to want to explore new adventures and are more aware of what is going on around us in our lives. A “bad mood” are when you start to get angry with everything, you feel anxious, sad and scared.5 While in a bad mood you are more likely to just keep to yourself for a little bit while you get over it. But being depressed does not even compare to any of those moods. Depression can be described as “worse than any physical pain”.6 It is when you are unable to feel anything of pleasure, you cannot concentrate on anything, you appear downcast, and unhappy. Robin struggled with this but ended up putting it all behind him for a couple days just for the sake of his fans and loved ones. The fact that he did that can show some of his seven side. He is always wanting to be with people and wanting to entertain even when he is down on himself. He will try to hide his feelings and shove them away and try to forget about them, but he could not do that …show more content…

He then eventually became one of America's funniest and loved performers. Robin then attended the Juilliard School in New York City. He started small and worked his way to the top, but never gave up.9 He later experimented with comedy in San Francisco and Los Angeles, which obviously was a huge hit. He first became a famous name in 1978 with his role as Mork in Mork & Mindy after starting the role on Happy Days. After this he then starred and was very popular for his role in Popeye as Muscleman.10 He is an amazing entertainer in anything involving needing people to laugh. He has starred in around fifty-six movies and ton of tv shows/comedic things over the years. Sevens always want people to see the good side in them, which Robin did a great job at doing with his performing. He went on to get nominated for one Academy Award and win one. This shows the type seven part in him on never giving up. In an article I read on Robin Williams it says “when I was growing up I was just a shy kid that lived in the big city of Chicago, I never would've imagined I would ever have half of what I do, and I am thankful.”11 This just proves that sevens never give up on a dream. The Enthusiast in them are determined and always strive to do what they need to do to

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