Role Of Horses In World War 2

312 Words2 Pages


Destiny Landingham

Per. 8

In the world war 2 they used horses to carry stuff they couldn’t and to ride when they would go into battles. During the world war 2 horses had to help by carrying stuff and fighting in the war. During world war 2 the people would use their horses to carry and do things they couldn’t do themselves.

During world war 2 horses had to carry things men didn’t. When men got ready for a trip, horses would carry their stuff. On the way somewhere men made horses carry stuff. When horses didn’t carry stuff someone would ride them. Horses were used to carry stuff or to ride.

During world war 2 horses had to get ready for battle like the men. When there was a war the men rode horses. When men fought in the wars they had their horses to ride. When men got ready for battle, the horses had to get ready too. Horses also had to go into battles. …show more content…

When all the soldiers went to war, so did the horses. Soldiers would ride horses the war. A lot of the time men rode a horse in a war. Men rode horses into wars a lot during world war 2.

A lot of the time people rode into war on the back of a war horse. During the world war 2 the people who fought in the wars had horses that would carry stuff for them. During world war 2 when all the men got ready to fight in a war, they would sometimes ride their horses into war with them. During world war 2 when men would go into war they would also bring their horses along with them to fight. The horses of world war 2 fought for our freedom