
Role Of Revenge In Criminal Justice

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Imagine a world with no revenge. A world in which respects the justice served through the law. Although this scenario is next to impossible, it raises questions regarding the use of revenge. Questions such as whether or not revenge is ever justified. The topic has been subject of much debate. Sides have been taken and arguments have been made. The lowering of ones moral standards in order to achieve justice when the law fails indicates revenge is not only unjust but immoral.
Some may argue that revenge is just because we gain personal satisfaction that is important emotionally. They argue that revenge is helpful for their healing process and …show more content…

A person who seeks revenge continues to lower their moral standards by giving into their immoral desires. By giving into our immoral need for revenge, we bring ourselves down to the same level of the accused. Humans relish in the idea of life being fair or “even” among everyone. Fairness acts as a motive for revenge. For instance, Dumas states, “Oh, ye, I’d fight a duel for something of that sort; but for slow, profound, infinite and eternal suffering I’d try to avenge myself by inflicting similar suffering. ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.”’ (Dumas 139). Dumas highlights an aspect of human nature. A need for fairness. A need for revenge. When we take part in revenge, we are no better than the one who has wronged us. We have instead lowered our power in the situation by retaliating. Bacon writes, “Certainly, in taking revenge, a man is but even with his enemy; but in passing it over, he is superior; for it is a prince’s part to pardon.” (Bacon 3-4). Bacon supports the idea of revenge and eye for an eye method as being useless. The desire for an eye for an eye situation goes against our moral standards. For instance, if someone murders your friend, it is immoral to seek revenge and murder their friend. If someone murders your friend, they are a murderer. If your murder their friend out of revenge, your are also a murdered. Rather than help …show more content…

Our reputations are constantly on the line. People are quick to judge others choices and actions. Making immoral choices such as seeking revenge can tarnish our image. For example, Bacon states, “You shall read (saith he) that we are commanded to forgive our enemies; but you never read, that we are commanded to forgive our friends.” (Bacon 18-21). Bacon illustrates the negative outcomes of seeking revenge and how it affects our reputation. He shows how others lose respect and view us differently based on our actions. Bacon gives the example of a ruined friendship as a result of immoral revenge. The reputation of the friend who sought out revenge, was ruined due to their immoral actions. Their friend will never seen them the same way. If we commit immoral actions, we run the risk of ruining our reputations. Listening to our irrational thoughts cause us to let our guard down and for our morals to slip. Lowering your moral standards in pursuit of immoral revenge can have an exponential effect on our whole life. The negatives associated with immoral revenge far outweigh any self satisfying positives. Therefore, revenge is immoral and cannot be

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