Role Of Women In The Workplace Essay

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How has the role of women/men in this industry changed/ Over the last 60 years, the number of women in the workplace has increased exceedingly since they entered the economic system to supplement the males earning capacity. Women in Australia have made a great strive towards achieving equality with men, in universities, in workplace, in boardrooms and in government. An outstanding amount of women has taken on a leadership role, forging pathways for other women and girls to follow. “The average Australian woman has to work an extra 66 days a year to earn the same pay as the average man” What types of work was done then and now by whom? Women’s unpaid work is not properly valued by society – there was a view that the superannuation system needs to recognise unpaid work as well as paid work. Women often leave the paid workforce to care for children, parents or grandchildren. Women often struggle to become financially independent, …show more content…

This is because they have lower pay and less paid leave entitlement. Women are still working in a labour market that systematically disadvantages them in terms of pay, conditions and rewards. Women have less autonomy than men do and they earn 17% or $277.70 less per week on average, full time. Hour for hour, women get less. How have rights in the workplace changed Women’s rights in the workplace include many facets, such as the right to work if pregnant. An employer cannot exclude a woman from a position due to pregnancy as long as they can perform satisfactorily. Employers cannot refuse to hire any person due to marital status, gender or age. In addition, an employee of any company where a woman works may not sexually harass the woman in any way. This includes a hostile work environment where the woman must endure sexual comments, touching or materials, as well as unwanted sexual advances that put her in fear of losing her job if she does not