Roman Economy Changes

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Rome`s evolution into a globalizing empire involved numerous changes on the Roman society and the economy as well. The evolution was a source of many new policies that governed how the empire operated to ensure maximum growth and improve its status as a powerful empire. The changes included economic changes and changes in societal norms and procedures that were achieved in different durations during the process of evolution. The series of changes were experienced in other aspects such as the political setting of the empire. Various forces facilitated the changes during the development which affected societal settings and the Roman economy. When Rome was still a city-state, the people in power and the local governments protected the freedoms …show more content…

The power the state received from the expansion transformed the Roman society and impacted positively on its economy. It resulted in the massive flow of slaves into Italy. Consequently, the small scale farming was gradually replaced by large estates where the slaves worked. During this era, there were slave revolts under the leadership of Eunus from Apamea in Syria resisted Romans for several years, they acquired great wealth and purchased slaves in masses from slave markets introducing marks and brands . The increase in slave trade meant sufficient forces to work in the large-scale estates which improved the economy of the empire. As the empire gained power, it transformed to one of the civilized societies before the wave of industrialization. As a result, trade expanded which encouraged the development of farms and the cultivation of crops for …show more content…

Politicians advocated for the repeal of the Oppia law and elimination of the limitations placed on women . As a result, the society transformed and allowed women to practice independence in their dealings. They were allowed to wear clothes of color on festivals and ordinary days. They rode in carriages in towns and were involved in politics and other activities. Before the evolution, women were prohibited from conducting any private business operations independently but could only do so while accompanied by guardians. Before the law, men and women were not equal. After the law had been repealed, women were granted freedom to be independent and manage their businesses and financial