
Romeo And Juliet Character Foil Essay

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William Shakespeare was a poet and playwright who lived back in the 1500s. He’s made many famous plays who people all over the world know about. He created the plays Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet, two of the most well known plays of all time. A character is a person in a novel, play, book, movie, and many more. A character foil is used in literature to show how two characters have opposing characteristics and/or beliefs. These two characters I will be talking about are Romeo and Tybalt. Romeo is intelligent, charming, and sensitive yet impulsive. He is easily lovestruck and changes his mind quickly as shown when he was in love with Rosaline until he saw Juliet. It’s shown that he is impulsive when he wants to marry Juliet as fast as possible even though they had recently met which also shows he is easily lovestruck. Juliet proves he is charming because of how quickly they fall in love while also being emotionally connected to each other. He takes heartbreaks seriously and is easily affected emotionally, shown by Rosaline not reciprocating the love he has for her. …show more content…

When Romeo snuck into the party of the Capulet family Tybalt recognizes his voice and immediately tries to attack him, getting stopped by his father. When Romeo refuses to fight him Tybalt kills his best friend, Mercutio, showing how little he cares about the Montagues and how insensitive he is. He attempts to slander Romeo’s name for his own family showing how much he will do for his

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