Romeo And Juliet Decisions

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Throughout the year, we have read many books that have had characters make decisions that can affect their lives. Some of those decisions were wise, others affected their lives. The one book that comes to mind is Romeo and Juliet. This comedy had more life lessons and decisions that any other book we read had. Romeo and Juliet was a story that had many decisions made. These decisions affected the characters and their lives in the book. Those decisions made in the book may not be the same decision you have to make in your own life, but you can still relate to it. For example, Romeo had to make a decision of marrying Juliet. This is something you can relate to. At some point in your life you will have to make a big decision like this. It …show more content…

One wise decision that was made in a recent book we read was in The Odyssey. For example, Calypso had to make a decision of if she released Odysseus so he could back to his family. She made the decision of releasing him. She impacted Odysseus’s life and his families life. The impact of a decision is one of the most important things about making a decision. Just like explained above, you want to benefit yourself and others. An impact of a decision can determine the most important things in your life. For example, going back to when Calypso released Odysseus, this impacted her, Odysseus, and Odysseus’ family. Calypso didn’t want to release him, but when she did, she impacted many people whether she knew it or not. I can relate to this. I make decisions everyday that can impact myself and others. It can be the simplest thing like doing your work. For example, everyday I do my work in school. The impact of my decision affects teachers because it makes their job easier since they don’t have to get on to me about not doing my work. Just little things can have the greatest impact on your life and