Romeo And Juliet Duality Analysis

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Duality exists not only in human nature, but also in the world around us. Duality is everywhere, but sometimes it can be hard to notice it while others may be obvious. In Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde it was easy to point out the duality because it was a physical element. In The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, it was harder because some of the dualities were not physical objects while some were physical. Duality is the two sides of a concept. Duality can be refering to a physical or nonphysical object. Nonphysical duality can describe things such as love, hate, or intelligence. Physical duality can describe things such as a house or a work of art. Everything has an opposite and that is where duality comes in. Nothing could exist without duality. Each side depends on the other side to strive. What would be black without white, good without evil, or life without death. Each side needs its opposite to balance each other out. Duality connects to the two stories in many ways. Both stories are themed around dualism. In Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde the duality is obvious. Duality is shown though human nature and how no one can survive without accepting both sides. In The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, the duality is harder to find. The story makes multiple quotes about opposites contradicting each other and duality is shown through duality in the world around us. In Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, duality is shown through human nature. The book emphasizes the importance of a dual personality. It …show more content…

I. Duality A. What is duality B. How duality connects to Romeo and Juliet and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
II. Duality of Human Nature A. Multiple sides of a personality B. Duality in everyone
III. Duality in the world around us A. Examples B. Duality in Romeo and Juliet
Conclusion: Duality is all around us in both human nature and more common things that happen