
Romeo And Juliet Fatalism Essay

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My role as Romeo precisely represents how the love and fatalism is not present because I show his inability to see the true reality of certain situations. Romeo is unable to awaken from the idea that nothing holds him back from Julia, which is what my acting demonstrates. When Romeo tries to get a kiss out of Juliet, she says, “For saints have hands that pilgrims’ hands do touch, / And palm to palm is holy palmers’ kiss” (I.v.98-99). Romeo replies, “Have not saints lips and holy palmers too” (I.v.100). Romeo does not get the idea that he is being rejected because he is too caught up in the idea that he has to love someone else in order to get over Rosaline, which causes him to become oblivious to whatever she says. I portray this idea by having no reaction to when Damilare pushes me after saying some …show more content…

When Romeo leaves to exile, Juliet says, “If thou art fickle, what dost thou dost with him / That is renowned for faith” (III.v.61-62). Romeo’s actions are so confident and certain, which shows how he has control over what can happen, but chooses to ignore them in order to maintain his relationship with Juliet. Romeo is too focused on his relationship with Juliet that he never thought of the consequences of his actions, which is his wrongdoing. I depict this by not noticing an eraser being thrown at me by Juliet since I am trying to hard to convince her to love Romeo by showing my devotion. By simply passing over the eraser like it wasn’t there, I show my commitment to Juliet in hope that she will return it, which will never happen because the love between them is not real if he has to persuade her into loving him. Romeo is too driven to focus on any of the negativities in his relationship with Juliet, which proves that he can rewrite the rules and make the relationship unique and that he cannot get Juliet to genuinely love

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