
Romeo And Juliet Love And Tradition Essay

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If family and friends disrupt your journey towards true love, it is fair that they should be left in the dust for you to pursue your happiness. My reasoning being that you are not able to pick your family or the traditions you’re born into, but you can decide who you love. For some people, like the fictional protagonists from The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet the decision between tradition and love is one that needs to be made. This play is a stellar example of the eternal struggle between love and tradition.

In Act 1 of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet this situation begins to arise after Romeo is able to sneak his way into a Capulet ball. As Juliet finds out Romeo's identity from the nurse, she says this “My only love sprung from my only hate! Too early seen unknown, and known too late!” (The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Act 1, scene 5, lines 138-139). For her, love has no eyes, it does not judge a person by their upbringing, or where they reside, it choses Romeo for Romeo and nothing else. When considering this, isn’t it reasonable that she would want to escape her burden with Romeo, her true love? …show more content…

While with Juliet in the orchard, Romeo says, “... For stony limits cannot hold love out, ... Therefore thy kinsmen are no stop to me” (The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Act 2, scene 2, line 67 and 69). Romeo’s only true motivation stems from Juliet at this moment, before her, he was a sad slump of a human being, but when he experiences the slightest sense of true love, he will do anything for it, not letting any physical obstacle stop him. To stay with his family and friends would be a roadblock to him enjoying happiness with someone he truly adores, and that would be unethical for any person to live

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