Rot And Ruin Character Analysis

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Barbra Bush once said,”I think togetherness is a very important ingredient to family life.” You need to be close to your family no matter what. What would you do if you believe that your brother is the reason for your parent’s death? Rot & Ruin is a story that teaches a valuable lesson that is true for even a modern teen; It teaches on how family is important, and how you should have a strong relationship with your family. In Rot & Ruin, the author uses the theme of family being important. Here is a example of the theme from the book “He barely liked his family-and by family he meant his older brother. Tom.” The conflict is that Benny and Tom do not have a good relationship and have grudges against each other. If you hold grudges against your family or do not have a good relationship with your family, you will have no one to fall back on and you will be by yourself. Another example of the theme from the book is “Sorry, Benny- I forgot. Point is, you got family of some kind, right?” This example shows that you will always have some type of family, even if you don’t know it. If you don’t have family, you will struggle in life. Many teenagers today do not appreciate there family like they should. For an example I do not appreciate what all my mom does for me. She drives me around everywhere and works all day …show more content…

Here is a example of the theme from the book “He barely liked his family-and by family he meant his older brother. Tom.” The conflict is that Benny and Tom do not have a good relationship and have grudges against each other. If you hold grudges against your family or do not have a good relationship with your family, you will have no one to fall back on and you will be by yourself. Another example of the theme from the book is “Sorry, Benny- I forgot. Point is, you got family of some kind, right?” This example shows that you will always have some type of family, even if you don’t know