Routine Activities Theory Summary

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11.) The purpose of Like-Haislip and Miofsky’s (2011) study was to explore the patterns of violent victimization risks among race, ethnicity, and gender. Also to see whether routine activities and neighborhood conditions influence the risk for victimization.
12.) Routine activities theory is were behavior and people in time and space influence when a crime will occur and where. This was the independent variable in Like-Haislip and Miofsky (2011) research. They looked at the involvement in the workplace, which is an important predictor of victimizations. Staying away from home puts a high risk of victimizations to take place because it put them in the way of motivated offenders (Like-Haislip & Miofsky, 2011). Social disorganization theory …show more content…

I believe this theory does the best in explain criminal behavior because I can see how people having stressful events in life or the removal of something positive could lead them into criminal behavior. Anger and hostility can be in response to stressful events in one life (Aseltine, Gore, & Gordon, 2000). This anger can result in criminal behavior because they don’t know what other way to let it out. This can be seen mostly in youths in school. The impact of strain among delinquents changes due to youths personal and social resources that constantly change (Aseltine, Gore, & Gordon, 2000). What also make me believe this theory best explain criminal behavior because, I have seen it many times growing up with people, I know in school. One example, is my sister friend, we have known her for years and when her father passed away it seem that her behavior has a hold changed. She really didn’t focus much in school and started hanging out with a different crowd and doing drugs. My sister and I stood by her side, to let her know that she has real friends that could help her. By her last year in school she realize that this was not the way to

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