Dian Davis Professor: Shomaker PHL 115 November 7, 2014 In the past few months I have been introduced to several different theories, but three of those theories stood out in my mind, Deontological theory which rejects consequences as the basis of right and wrong and focus instead on our duty to practice or avoid particular kind of action. On the other hand, Rule Utilitarianism a consequentialist moral theory that defines a morally right rule or practice as one that promote overall utility and Virtue ethics believe that one has to have specific character traits like loyalty, compassion, generosity that have moral value in one self without any underline principles or action guiding them. Some of the similarities of deontological theory and rule …show more content…
Also Rule Utilitarianism believes that everyone should follow rules and laws that would bring about the greatest happiness to the majority of people if that means one has to perform these acts, committing murder, breaking promises, lying and even slavery if it promotes overall utility, however, Deontological believes that no such acts should be done under any given situation and we have a moral duty not to do these things regardless of the outcome. However, virtue ethics believe that if you are guided by the virtue of your actions it would produce good outcome. Deontological theory believes that there can be rules that can be followed when making ethical decisions, in contrast, virtue ethics make right or wrong decisions based on the individual they are, without any general rule guiding their …show more content…
This theory state that people should make decisions because of who they are and not because some rules or law that guides them. If people make decisions based merely on anticipation of only good consequences there would not be new discovery. Discoveries are the unknown and in the unknown you cannot anticipate the consequences of what we do not know so in other words there would be no risk taking. Virtue ethics theory allows one to make decisions by evaluating a situation, weighing circumstances and coming to conclusion on the best possible result. It is not dependent on the greatest outcome because not all right decisions leads to the greatest utility. If one is a virtuous person they will always have good intentions when making any decisions so therefore, with virtue theory there is no primary rule that one should follow or that tells us what to do or not