Running In High School

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First, start running early at young age. This will help prepare you mentally for the unfortunate tries ahead. Be first in every race kids challenge you to. Prove to them and yourself that you’re the best on the playground.
After a couple of years of this you are ready. It’s the big leagues now; you’re in high school new kids on the playground. You have to prove that you are the best in the school. Talk big tryout for cross country. Show up to practice realizes you are not as fast as you thought. Quit, but not really. Contemplate other sports. Maybe wrestling but basketball gets the girls. Tryout for basketball, make the team. Practice with the team everyday get better. The coach pulls you aside and tells you to start on the JV squad. You feel slight disappointment but are excited to play. You enter the game crowds roaring you’re excited. Your time to shine your passed the ball and go to make a three. You miss. That’s the least of your problems you left you were supposed to guard wide open he makes the three and the game goes down from there. After the game coach pulls you aside and tells you that you’re a better runner. Drop the basketball focus on school for a bit. Contemplate running again. …show more content…

Too bad you’re a difficult person you join the track team but also the soccer team. The track team looks at you weirdly. You have now become the outsider congrats. All eyes are now back on you. You go to soccer practice after track and realize you are exhausted and have two left feet. After a couple of weeks go on, your toe hurts from kicking the ball with it. You are Exhausted from running before soccer. Time to face the facts you’re a runner. You go buy new running shoes and tell the coach you’re unable to play anymore games and drop. You are now a