Russian Culture Research Paper

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The history of Russia throughout its earlier years depict a lot about the country’s past and its creation as a nation. Many stories, historical and fictional, help illustrate Russian history showing events that happened involving economic changes and changes involving treatment towards the people. Although the people hated Russia in its earlier years, the treatment given by America during the time was not as absolute either. However, some fictional stories that involve Russia as a country illustrate the bizarre tales and stories that Russian culture possessed. In short, all of these stories told, nonfiction and fiction, not only illustrate Russia's past but represent Russia’s steps to unificating into a brighter future. The most troubled aspects of Russia’s historical past involves distraught choices of governmental ruling and choices of who ruled. …show more content…

This false leadership that Nicholas, the Tsar, acquired was presented to the nation involving war or involving the people’s treatment. This faulty leadership given by Nicholas was tested when he involved a dangerous man, Rasputin, into their government. The nation uproared in reply to the absurd decisions made by Nicholas which also resulted in the creation of many revolts, and also of the Russian Revolution. The nation did get what they wanted in the end, which was a new ruler and a stronger nation. The new Russian ruler, Vladimir Lenin, however consisted of plans to repay Romanovs for deconstructing their nation. This repayment that Lenin delivered resulted in the horrific execution of the Romanov family creating shock and mystery throughout the country. Although Russian past consisted of terrible and horrific events, I think these events were great steps to helping the nation reunify and