
S. 744: The Immigration Reform Act

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S. 744: The Immigration Reform Act
The Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Reform Act -- or Senate Bill 744 -- was introduced into the United States Senate in April 2013 and since then, it has been a highly important significant bill for both immigrants and nonimmigrants alike. In June, it was passed and it then went on to the House of Representatives. Currently, no formal decision has been made on it, even though millions of undocumented and potential immigrants are waiting for its approval. If the act was passed, border security around the US would become tighter, but all the illegal immigrants currently in the country would have a chance at citizenship. While it would take over a decade after the bill is passed for them …show more content…

744 — would also assist undocumented immigrants who are in the country, helping the economy in the years after the bill’s implementation. S. 744 would, first of all, help those in the country illegally to become legal citizens so long as they meet the conditions set forth, one of which is not having a criminal record. While it would take many years after the bill is enacted to gain citizenship, it seems that the benefits outweigh the risks for illegal immigrants. By becoming legal citizens, they would not have to fear deportation, which would allow them to get better jobs, pay taxes, receive proper medical care, and generally become more involved in the community. In addition to that, the bill would also help to strengthen border security, while at the same time making it easier for potential immigrants to receive their citizenship. In effect, S. 744 prevents people from entering the country illegally, instead helping them to go through the proper channels to get their citizenship. As undocumented immigrants cannot file taxes with the state or national government, or really take an active part in the community, giving them citizenship would help to boost the economy while generating more tax revenue. This could help the economy greatly, as when a community is more active, it tends to generate more revenue — part of which then goes to the …show more content…

Considering most modern studies like those mentioned above and even the Congressional Budget Office theorize that economic reform would have a positive effect on the US economy, the majority of economic reasons addressed previously against immigration reform are invalid. However, looking at political debates currently occurring, a startlingly large number of politicians use outdated or biased information to argue against immigration reform because of the impact they believe it may have on the economy. This can be dangerous because those “facts” spreads throughout the country, and then millions of people end up believing false

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