SAT Persuasive Essay

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Imagine walking around high school on your senior year and wondering if you made it into your dream college. All of your friends opening their letters. Telling you the “great” news. One by one as you realize this, you begin to lose hope that you'll even get accepted. Your friends seem to have everything figured out. You've been walking around wearing all of your gear for the college you applied to. Your mom on you everyday asking you “ what college you're going to” but you’re just too ashamed to tell her. Daydreaming about the things that you would do if you were to get accepted. Then finally you get that letter that you didn't make it all because of your SAT/ACT scores. Your grades have been amazing, yet you didn't make it all because of …show more content…

People who have AP classes are more likely to be more successful on college exams. These students are said to be more motivated and focused. Such these students get work similar to the SAT a daily basis, this would make scores for the SAT inaccurate. “ Recent research on students taking exams in ten of the more popular AP subjects in 2008 found that 93% of AP examinees learned the material for the exam in an associated AP course” (Kaira & Sireci, 2010). Students in high school, who are seniors and take AP, have a way higher score on the SAT when compared to students who is not in AP. Around the country, AP classes are being made more current. Colleges see students that take AP as students that may have a better future. Since 2001, researchers have found that students that has taken the AP exam has doubled. Yet more student don’t take ap classes and this leaves them to fend for themselves. “ Self-selection of higher performing students into AP is a concern in research on the impact of AP on later student performance, but current trends suggest that this selection bias may be lessening as access to AP courses and examinations are opening to more students in more high schools throughout the country now than ever before” ( Mckillip 306). Due to AP students making college entrance exams inaccurate can also lead to students being overlooked. This can cause the not as hard working students to get accepted over hard working students. So there must be a more effective way of looking for the student that work the hardest day in and day