
STEM Education Controversies

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STEM Labor and Supply Controversies
Throughout the years, America experienced a developing controversy over whether or not science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education has had a positive impact on the growing economy. The K-12 education systems across the nation have actively enforced STEM in order to attract students into these fields of study. The 2005 reports, Rising Above The Gathering Storm, Tapping America’s Potential, and Innovative America, all address the issues concerning teacher quality, an adequate amount of workers, international test rankings, H1-B visa permits, and achievement gaps, which could all be factors in hurting the economy. The United States is making an effort to improve STEM education in order …show more content…

Although the labor and supply shortage is being criticized, the value of STEM education and workers are still recognized. It is important to upcoming generations because the careers in these fields are crucial to not just America, but world development. For instance, the research of scientists lead to breakthroughs in developing cures to various diseases, as well as engineers who design software systems, machines to help the environment, and most importantly our everyday uses such as cars and phones. Without STEM education, America would be suffering from a lack of basic knowledge and become less competitive. Some factors that could wear down competition in the United States are immigrants who come to the United States with H-1B visa …show more content…

However, the STEM field is not suffering from a lack of workers because of poor education, but rather from an outside factor such as H-1B workers who displace native workers. A solution to this problem would be to reform the H-1B revision process so that companies can not find loopholes to access cheap labor. The immigrants that businesses are taking advantage of are displacing American workers, which are leading policymakers to invest their time and money into improving STEM education when it is not necessary. The STEM labor supply is crucial to America’s economy and society because this work field is what leads to great discoveries and breakthroughs. Without an adequate amount of workers, the United State’s national development would be falling behind, and the nation would lose its title of being the number one

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