
Sacagawea And The Stamp Act Of 1765

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"Salus populi suprema lex esto” means let the good of the people be the supreme law. This idea ties in with the declaration of independence, which becomes a justification for the American colonies to break free from Englands rule. Under Englands rule, the laws placed on the people of the colonies were not for the good of the people, but rather for the good of the English who were in debt 137 million pounds after the 7 years war that lasted from 1754-1763. The English was trying to get the colonies to pay for the debt from the war by placing taxes on them. The Stamp Act of 1765 was a direct revenue orientated act put forth by the English that made it so that every piece of paper in the colonies that was used had to have a stamp on it. This …show more content…

In 1803 the French sells the Louisiana territory to America, which nearly doubled the size of the land owned by the Unites States in America. The president at the time named Thomas Jefferson sends two explorers named Lewis and Clark to go check out the new land purchased in the Louisiana purchase. Lewis and Clark were mapping out the land and looking for a waterway connecting the Atlantic to the Pacific, which would allow for better trade. They never found a water way but they did meet a woman named Sacagawea that was their saving grace. Lewis and Clark met Sacagawea while staying with the Mandan tribe during their first expedition in the winter. She was captured when she was young on a hunting trip and raised by the Hudatsa. Sacagawea played an extremely important role in helping Lewis and Clark translate, navigate, and survive. She knew the layout, the foods, the animals, and the language of the land. Sacagawea quickly became Lewis and Clarks most useful source on their expedition though the Louisiana territory. Along their expedition, Lewis and Clark run into hunters of the Shoshone tribe and think they are going to get killed where they stand, but it just so happens one of the hunters is Sacagawea’s brother. Instead of being killed Lewis and Clark end up being sent off with further navigational guidance, horses, and food. Sacagawea is one of two women on our current currency and is still remembered today because she is a native person who helped

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