Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Lab Report

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The purpose of this laboratory experiment was to determine the genotypes and phenotypes of the three strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (A,B and C) in regards to their ability to synthesize leucine and uracil. Furthermore, to determine whether these genes comply with Mendel’s Second Law and assort independently. The purpose will be achieved by multiple processes such as replica plating and sporulation and chi square analysis of the data received.

Amino acid, which are monomers of proteins, play central roles in both as building blocks of proteins, regulates gene expression and acts as intermediates in metabolism (Baldwin, 2003). Yeast, which provides insight into basic human biological processes, are ideal for studying genetics. When manipulating the environment, one can use amino acids (leucine or uracil) to allow yeast to grow in. They either thrive by synthesizing the rest of the amino acids themselves or gaining them from their environment. These definitions are termed prototrophic and auxotrophic. When the yeast …show more content…

And also to determine whether these genes comply with Mendel’s Second Law and assort independently. The expect results for the laboratory experiment was rather different than actual results. The hypothesis was that the observed results would match the expect however the chi square analysis proved otherwise.The different results, however, could have been caused by the contamination of the data--a portion of the plate replicated was contaminated with fungus which restricted growth. Furthermore, the chi square value was large than 0.05, which revealed that Mendel's Second Law of independent assortment was not related to this laboratory experiment. Overall, the chi square supported an alternative hypothesis and rejected the null

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