Sackett By Louis L Amore Tell: An Analysis

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Tell Sackett a Civil War veteran now drifter gets word from his family that his brothers Orrin and Tyrel each had their own ranches. Whereas Tell only had four pistols, a rifle, the clothes he wore, a saddle, and a knife. In the book Sackett by Louis L’Amore Tell goes out too find his calling and make something of himself instead of being a drifter with nothing. Furthermore, in the book there are three objects that serve as symbols and really influence some of the characters and real life people in this time period. These objects consist of Gold, Guns, and Land. Finding gold in the lawless territory of the old west was finding wealth in death. Gold can lead to many things with one of them being greed. With gold being worth lots of money and money being able to buy almost anything it is no wonder that it lead to greed. Gold is also not easy to find which is why it is worth so much money. Gold can cause someone to do unthinkable things. Another thing that gold can lead to is death. Many people have been killed over gold in the old west. Another way gold can be deadly is that it is located in dangerous places because all the gold in safe places is usually gone. The final major way gold can be deadly is that it can be deadly extracting it from …show more content…

Guns can be described as powerful for many reasons. One way being is that guns can be fatal, especially in a lawless land. Guns are in fact powerful enough that in the old west many people were taught to respect guns since a young age like the Sackett family. Guns can also be very dangerous which ties into the deadly factor of them. While guns may be deadly then can also be extremely handy. Come into factor mostly in the old west and lawless land theme of the book guns can be used to kill someone if needed.Another convenient use for guns is killing animals for a nourishment source or because they are varmints. Guns can also be used too scare off thieves, rustlers, and sometimes