
Safe Start Essay

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Safe Start
Breshaunna Smalls
Wiregrass Technical College

Safe Start
Cybercrime is any crime that involves a computer and a network. The computer may have been used in the commission of a crime, or it may be the target. Throughout the years there has been several debates stating whether or not cyber crime should even be considered a “real” crime. Many have stated that these crimes in fact do affect a persons “real” life and emotions. As the opposing side will argue that by just a click of a mouse or the press of a button can prevent most cyber crime. My personal response to this would be almost every crime is preventable but yet in still that does not stop them from taking place.
From identity theft to child soliciting and abuse, cyber …show more content…

Cyber stalking is a kind of online harassment where the victim is constantly receiving, annoying or threatening messages and emails. These stalkers know their victims and instead of stalking offline, they use the Internet to hide behind and stalk an individual. SAFE START can prevent cyber stalking by alerting the police department about what is happening and hopefully stop it before the situation gets any more serious than it already is. From the moment Safe start detects any form of harassment you will be alerted with a list of safety precautions to take until you decide to allow our program to contact higher …show more content…

Hacking is a type of cyber crime where someone’s computer is broken into so that all of his or her personal information can be accessed and tampered with. Hacking is a crime that an individual will not even know that someone is doing to his or her computer from a totally different location. With our safe start software we will be able to ensure you that no form of hacking will get past our strong security system that will be ran 24 hours out of a day. Even the hacking of things that others may not find as important like social sites, just take a minute to think would you want someone to be able to have access to something that is supposed to be yours personally, and have the authority to put up whatever it is that they want about you whether true or false? I wouldn’t think so because eventually that turns into cyber bullying which is a very scary

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