Sam White Monologue

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“Sam wake up! It’s time to go to school!” said Sam’s mother Sam White has never been a good student. In fact, he had always done the bare minimum in order to graduate. Although he was captain of his school’s football team and was upheld to certain expectations, he would never care about academics. “Sam! You’re going to be late!” warned Sam’s mother “OKAY STOP NAGGING ME MOM!” shouted Sam “Did you remember to take your antidepressant today?” “Yes I did mom, bye” Sam had lied about taking his medication. Although he depended on the antidepressants, he didn’t like the side effect it had on his body. But later in the day he would regret not taking the medicine since he would have random moments of anger. During the entire school day, instead of taking notes like a regular student, Sam would be texting on his phone. He made it through the entire day at ease until he went to his 8th period forensic class. The moment he entered Mr.Blue’s classroom, Sam began to feel intensity build up internally since he hated this class. During an in class activity, when the entire class was working, Sam was playing games on …show more content…

Before we tested anything we had a sense that the blood had to be type A, B, AB, or O. The way we tested between Sam, our primary suspect and the murderer is by using gel electrophoresis. To make the gel we had to use buffer and agarose and this mixture is poured onto a plastic tray. A plastic comb is used to make loading wells, so we can insert the DNA in there. The gel box when turned on the opposite ends generates opposite charges so the DNA will pull downwards. The bigger pieces of the DNA will go down less while the smaller piece of DNA will go down further since it has an easier time with moving through the gel. The final picture when the gel is done moving shows DNA fragments that have been moved in different places in the gel. We compared the gel from the unknown and gel we tested from

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