Sammy The Stone Plant: A Narrative Fiction

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On a sun-filled day in the middle of a desert, Sammy the Stone Plant goes about his normal, everyday activities. A few weeks ago there was a brief bought of rain, and Sammy rejoiced, soaking up the welcome water and storing it in his leaves. “This is good,” Sammy thought, “ water doesn’t come easy in a desert.” But today there was no rain. “It is a desert after all.” Thought Sammy. Content with his loneliness, Sammy didn’t mind that he blended into the rocks he grew among. This camouflage kept Sammy from being attacked or eaten by desert animals that were after the water Sammy stored in his bulbous leaves.”My water isn’t going anywhere, neither to animals, or escaping from the heat” Sammy thought to himself, thankful for his leaves being so sealed to keep in the life-giving water inside. …show more content…

“A windstorm!” Sammy realized, "NO!” The wind buffeted Sammy, but he didn’t give. Thanks to having the majority of himself under ground, something his family had learned to do years ago and passed on, Sammy wasn’t too greatly affected once the windstorm was over. “That was close!” thought Sammy, “If Grandpappy hadn’t learned about this underground thing there’s no way I would’ve made it through that!” The day was ending, and as the sun went down, Sammy rested in the cool night air. As he relaxed, Sammy thought to himself, “It sure is cold out. Its a good thing my leaves are so sealed tight, otherwise my water might freeze.” then he drifted off to