Sample Case Conceptualization Of Trauma

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Conceptualization of Trauma Introduction Kirk is a high school teenager around the age of sixteen years. Since the boy is in high school, the marital status is single. Kirk is bound to a family of five, that is; both parents and three siblings and he considers himself a part of this family system rather than a separate entity. The boy’s upbringing with the family bonds largely determines his behavior, feelings, and attitudes. He is brought up in a loving and caring family and has therefore developed the merits of being caring, loving and helping people in need. The family constellation which are unspoken laws operating within his family has helped Kirk develop a constructive family pattern of love, care, and selflessness which gives him a …show more content…

Help me!” after he participated in the rescue mission in New Orleans. After his arrival in New Orleans, Kirk listens and watches as helpless people are burning to death. Kirk and other rescuers cannot access the inside because the police are already stopping the people from entering the premises because it is very dark and dangerous. The town is also flooded, and Kirk and other people have to boat around it in the next day. Moreover, as he is boating around town, he notices several bodies of children heads sticking out of their attics. He recalls that these are the sounds he and others heard the last night. This event alone is traumatizing especially since Kirk feels that he should have done something the previous night to attempt and rescue these children. Unfortunately, its too late and the lives were already lost, and all he can think about is the sounds of the children calling for …show more content…

The woman gives birth on the roof as she awaits the rescuers to come to her aid. The baby dies unfortunately before the mother could be saved and hence the woman just hands Kirk the dead body in the pillowcase. This event is also very saddening, and imaginations of such an event can lead to the traumatization in the client. In yet another occasion, Kirk joins some marines on a rescue mission to the depths of the city, and it was here that the real traumatizing events happened. These events include watching dozens of bloated bodies floating past his boat. Nevertheless, Kirk watches so many people drown to death and yet he can do nothing to rescue them. These events are very traumatizing to even think about. At one time, Kirk watches as a girl as she is being pushed by a man from a piece of plywood she is clinging to in an attempt to save her life. The man was trying to save his own life too. Luckily, Kirk and other rescuers manage to liberate the girl to the boat but the girl cannot help but mourn her dead family, and all she says is, “My family is all gone.” At the evacuation cite Kirk has to leave the little girl even though she is too small to stay on her own. The mobs are also concerned about the supplies, and all they are doing is fighting for them. Now Kirk cannot get peace following these traumatic events, and all he can hear is the helpless people

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