Sample Of A Tristan Report

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PER REPORTER: On Monday, Tristan reported the information in the report to another child. The other child reported the information to the reporter on Tuesday and Thursday. According to the reporter, mom says she hates them (Tristan & Chloe). She sends them to their room eating noodles and cereal. Mom will cook for her and the boyfriend. He always comes over to the home when he gets off work. When the boyfriend comes around, mom is mean to the children. There are concerns for the children due to Tristan telling another child the information in the report. Tristan reported that mom and Walt thought he was asleep. Tristan said he seen Walt go pass his room into his sister's room. Chloe was asleep. Walt was standing over her and touched her. It's unknown why …show more content…

It's unknown who. It was also reported that mom his suppose to have another baby. Tristan said the boyfriend smokes and it stinks. The reporter believes it's some type of drug. It's unknown what type of drug but any drug stinks. Tristan said it was something in brown. It may be a cigar but it's unknown. The reporter is not aware if drugs are sold or manufactured out of the home. The reporter is not sure if drugs are accessible to the children. Tristan said if they try to tell mom something, she won't believe them. The reporter guesses that Tristan is afraid of her but it's unknown. On Wednesday, the boyfriend came over. Tristan said he heard mom and Walt having sex, really loud. It's unknown if mom was aware Tristan could hear them. Tristan said it was dark outside. It's unknown what time it was. Tristan said they are always kissing. The reporter stated children pick up on things and there is always a way to do things. Tristan said he would rather be with his father (Larry Rice) but he doesn't get the chance to see him. He said they use to live in Seattle. The reporter has never been to the home. It's unknown if there are working utilities in the