Sample Of Admission Essay Sample

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I am writing this letter to express my interest in pursuing a master’s degree at The University of Massachusetts in Geoscience. The Geoscience program at UMass has been highly recommended by graduate students and geologists from all over the world.
My interest for geology started at a relative young age, when I was 12 years old I had the great opportunity to read “The Orphan Tsunami of 1700” by Dr. Brian Atwater. The library at my middle school in Mexico had just bought new American books, this book was recommended to me by the librarian as my interest in geology and the environment were evident since then. Dr. Atwater’s book not only inspired me, it also gave me a sense in life and showed me the path for what I want to do for the rest of my life, study geology. …show more content…

Ever since my first semester I had to overcome great challenges, moving away from home and into another country at seventeen years of age isn’t an easy thing to do. The struggle was monumental but with great determination and support from my parents and family I overcame my fears and built up confidence in myself. As my classes progressed my freshman year I realized the great task that laid ahead, taking all my classes in English wasn’t easy and certainly my grades suffered from it. The more time that passed the more I started to grasp the American method of teaching and my grades started to improve steadily. I am now proud to say that despite all the complications and obstacles I had to pass through my Major Core GPA is 3.17, this is certainly an accomplishment for me as there were times where quitting and dropping out was definitely in my