Sandra Scarr's Analysis

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As a unique individual, certain activities are done to fit your needs. According to the parenting style, parents would have an impact on the children 's life. There is a gene- environment interraction. Once the child is born, they would see and mimic their surroundings. This would influence what they would become as an adult. Sandra Scarr 's, explains the passive, evocative and active interractions of people. According to Scarr 's, a passive gene- environment is what a child inherits from his or her parents and is expose to it. Growing up, I saw my mother be very serious about the cleanness of the house. When I was about three years old, I began to dislike being dirty. I wanted to be in clean close all the time. I was small when I began …show more content…

As I grew older, new traits began to develop. My father was a man with great intelligence he new always exactly what he wanted and how he wanted it. The same thought process was inherit by me. I am very friendly but bossy at the same time. I have made an evocative gene-environment correlation when I moved in with my boyfriend. He is like me sadly. Even when it comes to ordering food. We have to take turns doing it because of our controlling issues. In addition, Sandra Scarr 's third model has to do with the active gene-environment. This interraction applies to me in different ways but, one of them has to di with the school i choose to attend. Each individual has their own personality and we select the type of environment we want to be part of. I like organization and order. When it was time to find a high school I choose an interesting one that I loved. Its name is Franklin Police and Fire High School in Phoenix. I learned many things about my self being their. During conception, genes from the father and mother are mixed to from a new generation. It produces a child. In which they grow and become part of them. As they develop, the child would e expose to the surroundings of the parents. Once the reach a certain age, their personalities and traits can be expalin by either the mother or father inherit gens. Sandra Scarr 's explains three differents gene-environment correlation of the child. The three that has an influence are pasive, evocative, and active gene-environment