Satire Essay On Food Inc

520 Words3 Pages

Esther Soudry
Food Inc.
We don’t know where our food comes from. We think we are buying a chocolate bar with natural ingredients, but the truth is that half of what makes it up is artificially- enhanced. Sometimes, we can be alright with this; however, the truth is that too much of our food is either not natural, or simply modified in a way that is ultimately not healthy for us as a society.
When we buy a burger from McDonald’s, we think we’re buying just that: a burger. We don’t realize, however, that we are participating in something a lot greater, which is the food industry. A cow is slaughtered, their meat removed from the bones, fur, tissue, and other unnecessary organs; the meat is then cleaned and processed until it becomes a burger …show more content…

The problem, however, stems from the industry’s wasteful processes and behaviors; they make it so that its consequences are propagated not just into the human economy and environment, but also into the rest of the biosphere, through both increased waste, as well as decreased biodiversity.
Of course, we don’t know exactly where food comes from; we’re somewhat disconnected from what we eat, because it comes to us conveniently-packaged in plastic bags. The processes that make up most of the food we eat are entirely unknown to us; even if we cook, we don’t know how exactly the raw materials come from. This means that even when we think we’re eating healthy, we’re not accounting for the

unexpected, unwanted material that lies within our food, as well as the things that our food is ‘enhanced’ with, either to improve shelf-life, enhance flavor, or any other problem. What Food Inc. tries to demonstrate is the fact that despite all of our attempts to eat healthy, the industry seems determined to ensure otherwise. They hide