
Savagery In Lord Of The Flies Symbolism Essay

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Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, is a complex novel with many symbols and use of algorism. Golding sets this novel on a secluded island where young boys must learn how survive without supervision and create a stable society until rescued. In the beginning of the book, us readers think this novel is about learning how to survive or work together on the island; however, the book as a more complex meaning or a bigger story behind survival. He uses many symbols to tell the story of savagery and the darkness in every man such as Jack who represents evil in society. Another symbol Golding uses is civilization or leadership and putting these traits in another boy on the island named Ralph. With the many uses of symbols and allegory, Golding created an incredible story about the control of civilization versus savagery, and the fall of innocence. …show more content…

This young boy originally a choirmaster and "head boy" at his school, soon realizes he is no longer the leader when Ralph outvoted him. Later on Jack decides to take matters into his own hands by gradually bringing most of the boys into his tribe. He also shows an interest in hunting pigs while chanting, “Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood.” (Golding 96) with the other hunters. The deeper we read into this story, the more we see the savagery and evilness inside Jack. Golding uses Jack’s character to be the symbol of “the dark side of human nature” (Cliffsnotes), and show that in every civilization comes savagery or evil. Golding’s story he is trying to tell us readers is that there is many different part of our world and they all come together to make life and society. Jack in Lord of the Flies just happens to be the anger or the evilness in our

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