Scabies Research Paper

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Scabies Scabies are a contagious skin disease caused by a tiny insect measuring 0.3 mm long. The tiny insect is referred yo as the “itch mite” or “Sarcoptes scabiei”. If a person comes in contact with a female mite, the mite will burrow under the skin and lay eggs along the line of its burrow. People all over the world can and have been affected by scabies for as long as 2,500 years. In order to diagnose scabies, a doctor will look at the skin for sites of mites and the burrows. If a doctor suspects that scabies is present, the doctor will take a skin scraping from the area affected and examine it under a microscope. The microscope will determine if mites and eggs are present. Signs and symptoms of scabies include a red rash covered in small bumps; the bumps will appear in affected areas only. A few other symptoms include red burrows and itchiness that worsens at night. The burrows will appear in the folds of the skin. In children and adults, scabies is often found between the fingers, around the waist, the armpits, the insides of the wrists, inner elbow, soles of the feet, around the shoulder blades, the buttocks, around the breasts, and the male genitalia area. Common sites of scabies on young children can be found on the neck, …show more content…

Epidemics have been linked to poverty, poor water-supply, sanitation, and overcrowding. There are about 300 million cases of scabies in the world each year. Scabies have been reported to occur in epidemics in nursing homes, hospitals, long-term care facilities, and other institutions. Scabies is endemic in many tropical and subtropical areas, such as Africa, Egypt, Central and South America, northern and central Australia, the Caribbean Islands, India, and Southeast Asia. In industrialized countries, scabies are observed primarily in sporadic individual cases and institutional

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