Example Of A Narrative Essay About Erin

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Erin is one of those people that come in to your life for a reason, and that reason is usually to get you into strange situations like being stranded in a Spanish church or going to drum circle in the middle of a Walmart parking lot on a Tuesday night. Let the record show that Erin is neither of Latin decent or a person possessing the power to stay on rhythm. She is a white, self-proclaimed ‘granola child’ who currently resides in Williamsburg, Virginia. She has medium length brunette hair occasionally adorned with straight cut bangs. She is around 5’5’’ usually dressed to go into the woods, with shoes so stained with mud that the brand of shoes can no longer be determined. She usually has scratches and bug bites on both shins, typically displayed, …show more content…

What most people would find infuriating she finds hilarious. For instance, the was one time her ex-boyfriend was on the Steve Harvey Show in a make over addition where him and his friends got make overs and where trained to meet girls. the premise being that non of them had ever had a girlfriend before. As his real life ex-girlfriend most people would be pissed. Erin, however, sent me the link and called me in a laughing fit about how insane it was how he was even the one who broke up with her. In the six years I’ve know Erin I have never seen her mad, I don’t think she knows rage because she comes to term with things quickly. I’ve seen her hate people but never be flat out temper tantrum mad. She is aware of what most people don’t want to admit and excepts it and move on, case and point her calling her self the ‘guinea pig child.’ She always has a story because of this, as soon as you see her start to smile she is about to tell you a ridiculous story about some crazy thing that has happened to her and she giggles as she flails around telling you of her misadventures. You sit there and wonder how she is still alive and laugh while looking concerned for her

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