Workplace Scenarios

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Workplace Scenario Questions

CHCDIV001_CHCDIV002 Topic 1

1. ‘Australia is a culturally diverse society’. Explain what this statement means. The statement that Australia is a culturally diverse society to me means that people from all different ethnicity, race, language, values, religions, customs, family structures, personal history 's, age, gender, past trauma, disability and sexuality live here in Australia. Australia has had a diverse cultural since before European explorers came here and defined this land as “Terra Nullius” - unoccupied land. However, the indigenous people have always had a rich variety of cultures, languages and customs. Regardless of the differences between people, Australia being a culturally diverse society holds …show more content…

The more you learn about something the more accepting you can become of it. Lots of countries and places of business put on workshops that focus on cultural diversity, interfaith, disability awareness, leadership and social change. Regardless of the education provided in these workshops there are subconscious biases that they do not touch on. The only way to minimize the subconscious biases that we all have, in one way or another, is to remove anything that can identify others when we are supposed to mainly be looking at credentials, this process is called blind interviews/auditions. Below I have attached some examples of blind …show more content…

He is not only trying to learn a new language and culture but is also trying to fit into that new culture of friends and peers. As for the informing values of Ali 's mother I believe that they are of both Manners and of Family Life. She is in a new country trying to raise seven kids which can be a difficult task and tradition becomes a big part of your life the older you get. I believe that she is potentially having difficulty with all the new changes and just wants her family to behave in a way that is comforting to her. Regarding 'You ' thinking that Ali 's family is unreasonable, I think that their informing values are of Manners and of Pride. When looking at another person 's life and life choices it is always easy to see different ways that you think that things should be done but this is not the role of a youth