Schlossberg's Theory Of Graduation And Persistence Rate Among Minority Students

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Graduation and persistence rates amongst minority students who attend community colleges are low. Community colleges continually work to identify resources to restructure their programming to aid with completion and persistence rates amongst these students. Several factors attribute to the low completion rate amongst minority students, one being their inability to connect to the institution. According to Museus (2008), an explanation for low graduation rates amongst minority students’ is their inability to find membership in the cultures and subcultures of their respective campuses. According to Kuh, Kinzie, and Buckley (2006) a factor to determine a student’s satisfaction with college is the degree to which they perceive the college environment to be supportive of both their academic and social needs. Research indicates a student’s non-satisfaction with their academic setting and their inabilities to adjust socially are at risk of not completing a post-secondary degree. Adjustments issues can refer to a feeling of disconnect, confusion or fear (Doan, 2011). Research has shown that an important benefit of participating in extracurricular activities is the completion rate for students. Student involvement and engagement leads to an overall …show more content…

This study will focus on the experiences of members of a culturally based club at a minority serving community college in a metropolitan area. Through this study, the researcher hopes to examine the importance of student involvement in culturally based clubs and its influence on their completion status at minority based institution. The research for this study will add to the literature in the field by examining the impact of student involvement and retention amongst minority