Student Involvement And Retention Of Minority Students

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The role of faculty involvement is paramount to the successful persistence and retention of students. Faculty members provide the necessary mentoring and stewardship that students need to link to the student’s academic knowledge to internship, research or career aspirations. In the 1990 Boyer Report, the authors stressed the importance of faculty involvement in the student’s freshmen and sophomore year. The faculty involvement should lead to opportunity to be involved in research and stimulate intellectual inquiry. Unfortunately, that early involvement is not always there at the freshmen year. Involvement with a faculty member usually does not start until a student is fully in a major. Faculty involvement should be inclusive during the freshmen and sophomore year. This early connection can be the framework for a student to explore their interest or solidify the major choice. Faculty members can enormously affect a student’s academic journey during the first and second college years. Tinto (1993) stated, “nowhere is the importance of student involvement more evident than in and around the classrooms of the …show more content…

Attending college is a major step for students but it is particularly hard for minority students. Student Support is essential in a student’s academic journey. These programs provide additional academic support for students in their courses. This program can include many services. For this study, the support variables will be tutoring, career services and faculty. They are a critical component in students’ persistence. Attending college is a major step for students but it is particularly hard for minority students (Engle, Bermero, Obrien, 2014). Tierney (2004) pro¬posed that students should not be required to leave their identity at home while furthering their education. In order to help students, maintain their identify it is important thppingat support programs are available for