School Bus Drivers Research Paper

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Minnesota’s laws regulating driving while intoxicated (DWI) are very strict. They also vary based on the type of license held by the driver as well as the kind of vehicle they are driving. School buses are considered commercial vehicles, which require the operator to hold a commercial driver’s license. However, the laws regarding a DWI while driving a school bus are considerably different than those for other commercial vehicles.

In the state of Minnesota, drivers of typical passenger cars are considered to be over the legal limit if it is found that their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.08 or above. Those who are driving commercial vehicles do not have as much leeway. Commercial drivers are considered legally intoxicated when their …show more content…

He could lose his commercial driver’s license and not be allowed to get behind the wheel of a school bus for up to five years. Essentially, the driver would lose his job. Once the revocation period has passed, the driver can then reapply for a commercial license. However, even if he is able to acquire a new license, there is no guarantee the will be re-hired as a school bus driver. Often, schools will not hire a bus driver if his driving record is not clean for safety reasons.

Many bus drivers who find themselves facing a DWI conviction wonder whether they will also lose their regular driver’s license. In many cases, that is not likely to happen. Assuming the bus driver’s BAC was under 0.08 at the time of the arrest, he would most likely be able to keep his regular license. If his BAC was at 0.08 or over, penalties regarding a regular DWI are likely to be enforced – in which case, the driver may very well lose his regular license.

A school bus DWI conviction is a serious charge with potentially stiff penalties. If you find yourself in this position, please consider contacting us to schedule an initial consultation with one of our skilled criminal defense attorneys. We will review your case and work with you to reach the best possible