School Disengagement

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According to Kymberly Henry (2012) school disengagement is seen as a trajectory that unfolds over time and movement along that trajectory is related to movement along other trajectories and age-graded transitions, such as a successful or unsuccessful transition to adulthood. Consistent with these expectations, we find that early school disengagement is strongly related to the likelihood of school dropout, as well as to movement along problem behavior trajectories of drug use and crime. Several indicators of disengagement point to parent–teen difficulties: teen anger, parent–teen conflict, and possibly authoritarian parenting (Hooven, Pike, & Walsh, 2013). Attachment to parents decreased risk for externalizing problems, while friends’ delinquency …show more content…

Caring relationships that instill a value in education, and that high expectations might be the most important form of capital parents need to be effectively involved and students to be academically successful (Vongprateep, 2015). If parents and students feel supportive and engaged we hope this will transfer over to student engagement and school performance, thus parents will take an active role in their child’s education.
How do we help parents and student have not had successful interactions with school and have been disengaged? Parents and students, due to school issues, have had a negative experience at school that involved dealing with law enforcement and face legal process. They often see the school as the enemy; both parent and students disengage and are not actively evolved. This research provides the opportunity to understand why parents disengage and what strategies schools can provide to re-engage parents in their child’s education.
Contribution to the …show more content…

Is student expulsion process a barrier for parental student involvement?
3. What factors are in place at the school site that welcome or are barrier for parental involvement?
4. What do parents want to see in place for them to become more involved in their students education?
Significance of the Study This study has implications for educators, school districts parent and students. Parent engagement intervention and prevention studies occur in comprehensive schools but parent engagement research in an alternative education setting is minimal to non-existent. As a result of this study school districts will recognize a need to create and reengage parents in their students education as a means for student academic success. The significance of this study will allow at risk youth who are on probation and/or have been expelled to bond and engage in their education. Students will graduate from high school and be ready for the workforce or college. Allowing these students to the opportunity for a better future.
Definition of Terms The following terms are frequently used thorough the study. The definitions are intended to provide context and clarity for this