School Funding

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When it comes to education as a parent myself, a big worry for someone as a parent is “will their children get a good quality education when it comes time to attend school?” Most parents will worry about their education before they even get to the age of going to school and start looking at the area schools and the quality of them. We all want to see our children getting the best education possible. Schools may not be paying these teachers enough money to help our children get a good education. Teachers need resources, materials and a good working conditions. The big question is who is willing to pay for these resources? Research will show you the different areas of spending that schools do in their districts and where their funds go. The …show more content…

There are lots of differences in education funding for each state because there are a number of factors to think about. Just a few of those factors are capacity, how well off a state is based on their economy and resources and the effort the state is willing to give and provide the funding for education. Wealthier states have a high fiscal year capacity and have more funding available to spend on education than states with more limited resources. Funding that individual schools receive can be different among each school. For smaller schools it’s not usually a problem but larger districts tend to operate many schools and it can be more difficult. Until recently, resource distribution at the individual school level has been mainly ignored because of the lack of understanding of the budget process at the local level. Recent research has shown that resources are not evenly distributed among schools in school districts and that some schools, often those that serve students with greater needs, receive less resources. (Saxton, 1999) A large portion of the disproportion is related to the allocation of teachers. Higher-paid, more knowledgeable teachers tend to be teaching in lower-needs schools, while teachers with less experience end up in schools where the needs are higher. In many school districts inequality in teacher pay does not factor in the way in which funding distributions are …show more content…

However, online materials are far more available to them so they can help their students succeed. With the way the world is today and everyone is using technology for everything, students need to be taught all of the new technology as it comes out. Students can get a better depth of understanding from teachers if they have interactive simulations and illustrations. Using things such as a projector can help the teacher to walk a class through how to do a math problem one step at a time. Because students have access to the same tools over the web, they can reinforce the ideas by experimenting with the simulations themselves, anytime and anywhere. Technology allows the tables to be turned. Instead of teaching, students can be given projects that require them to learn the necessary material themselves. Key to this is the ability to get the information they need any time anywhere, without being in the physical presence of the teacher. Using modern technology today also lets students use their technology and share their work with their teachers on things such as the Google Drive rather than writing everything in a