School Lunches Should Be Banned Essay

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Have you ever wondered why school lunches taste so bad? Or have you ever wondered why you never feel fully satisfied after eating the school lunch? The Government should not have control over school lunches and the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act should be abolished because Banned food in the U.S. are staples for other countries and they have lower obesity rates, The amount of waste from schools is atrocious and lastly, Students now get smaller portions and are unfocused thanks to the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act.

The food schools ban children from eating in the United States ,are actually staples in many others countries diets and those countries have lower obesity rates. This is worthy of attention because, if we are so worried about our students becoming obese then we should not ban these important staples that cause less obesity in other countries. When they can help us create a healthy eating habit for these minors why should we ban these healthy meals? This quote from Gale opposing viewpoints says to think about it this way: ¨Consider that in France, where the childhood obesity rate is the lowest in the Western world, a typical four-course school lunch (cucumber salad with vinaigrette, salmon lasagna with spinach, fondue with baguette for dipping and fruit compote for dessert) would probably not pass …show more content…

The importance of this issue is significant because all the food being wasted daily totals about 4 million dollars in the U.S. The Durango Herald says honestly “Not surprisingly, American kids, whether pressed for time or just grossed out, leave much of their meals untouched; particularly neglected are the fruits and vegetables, which they are now forced to put on their trays before they can exit the cafeteria line.” This tremendous waste can be stopped but only if we abolish the Healthy Hunger Free Kids