School Of The 1890s Summary

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The teaching and studying method is one of the most debatable topics in the last twenty years. The reason is the active developing and integrating of the new technologies in daily life including studying. People have different points of view on the question if this is successful way for developing and making more effective study process or not. Some think that the most efficient method is “classic” method – participating at the classes and reading the books. Others display that using possibilities of technology and integrating studying with Internet and electronic devices is more profitable for wide range of people. In the “Get schools out of the 1890s” article Gingrich argues that the standard teaching system is for “average” student – studying becomes boring and as a result the study efficiency is low. He named this method “School of the 1890s”. Instead of the “1890s school” author offers “blended learning” which consist of remote schools with different teaching methods. Despite the fact that Gingrich supports “blended learning”, it is clear that he does not take into consideration important facts which cardinally change the feelings about the article. …show more content…

He used as an example Khan Academy, Udacity, Coursera and Netflix projects that are proved their efficiency by the high score in California Academic Performance Index. Gingrich adduce the number of facts that proof effectivenes of this project. First, the studying materials are represented in different forms (audio, video, presentations, e-books) .As a result, people can choose various learning types correspondingly to their kinds of perception such as visual or auditory . Next, every user has an access to the website matireal everywhere and everytime. Students do not need to wait necessary book in library or find and buy it in the store. Students save their time and money and consequently, they are not psychologically