School Vouchers Pros And Cons Essay

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The Debate on School Vouchers
School vouchers are defined as, “…a government-funded voucher redeemable for tuition fees at a school other than the public school that a student could attend free” (“School voucher” 2017). Vouchers are offered to parents to help pay for private schools. Vouchers seem straightforward, but unfortunately they are not. People have been arguing for many years if school vouchers are beneficial or not. Like any debate there are two sides. On the debate of school vouchers there are clearly two sides. Take a look at what both proponents and critics have to say on school vouchers.
Supporters of school vouchers believe that there are many benefits of using and providing school vouchers. One of the benefits being that voucher programs lead …show more content…

School vouchers allow parents to choose the best school for their child. Supporters believe that a school voucher takes away the financial burdens on parents, and leaves the parents to choose the best academic school for their child (Fang). This choice, too many people, is a fundamental right. Supporters believe that parents should have the right to choose where there child goes to school. This is why proponents love vouchers. They believe that parents should be able to choose where their child goes to school. The school voucher broadens parents’ choice (Fang). In Addition, some people also frown upon families paying taxes without also giving parents a choice of where to use the funding. Whether parents choose a public school or private school, proponents view this as the parents’ choice, and they believe each family has a right to choose where to use the funding (Fang). Supporters of vouchers want low-income families to have the option of going to a school where they otherwise could not afford. They also hope that in the process, underperforming schools either improve their education or lose out on state