
Scientific Method Lab Report

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From developing medicines to understanding rare elements, the scientific method has been the used to perform experiments in a concise manner. The experiments may have varied through the centuries, but the act of creating and testing a hypothesis continues to stand as a pillar for the scientific method. The main purpose of this lab was to demonstrate the steps taken to use a hypothesis through testing 2.5% ferric chloride and its effect on seven different compounds.1 The results showed that 2.5% ferric chloride had a visible chemical reaction with compounds containing a phenol functional group. The chemical reaction was noted via a color change from a dark yellow to different shades of blue/purple. Therefore, the presence of phenol was only …show more content…

After mixed, the entire solution turned a royal purple 3 Aspirin 9.2 mg No change except for a slight cloudiness in solution; stayed the color of the ferric chloride (transparent yellow) Table 2. Results for testing the hypothesis The table shows the different compounds and observations that were done in lab. Note that the amount should be either 1 drop or 10 milligrams.1 However, due to human error, the additions were not precise to the directions. These observations were created in order to test the initial hypothesis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Test Tube number (Already includes base solution) Chemical compound added to base solution Amount added (drops or milligrams) Observations after 2 drops of 2.5% ferric chloride was added 4 Acetaminophen 11.5 mg Immediately, the solution turned into a lime green color. After mixed, the color turned to a aqua transparent color 5 Phenacetin 11 mg No change; kept ferric chloride color 6 Methanol 0.9 mg No change; kept ferric chloride color 7 Benzyl alcohol 1.5 drop No change; kept ferric chloride color …show more content…

Put the two compounds in a test tube, and swirl in a slow motion for 10 seconds. Make seven more test tubes with the same ethanol and water solution, and labeled 1-8 (Table 1). Put the test tubes in a test tube rack for the rest of the lab. In test tube labeled 1, add 1 drop of Methyl Salicyclate (Figure 1). In test tube labeled 2, add 10 milligrams of Salicyclic acid (Figure 2). In test tube labeled 3, add 10 milligrams of aspirin (Figure 3). For solid compounds, use a weighing boat and use the same machine for all samples. Add 2 drops of 2.5% ferric chloride to test tube labeled 8 for the control group. Make initial observations, as this will be used as the marker of comparison and nothing else will be added to it. Add 2 drops of 2.5% ferric chloride to test tube labeled 1-3 and observe for a change. Create an initial hypothesis of what is needed for change of color in order to test during the second part of

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