Scientific Method: Scenarios

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Scientific method: Scenario 1
Scenario assigned by instructor: _ an unexpected road block/detour while driving to work, school, etc
Often, application of scientific methods gives persons an opportunity to conclude about causes of their problems in an expedient manner. However, to successfully solve a problem, an individual has to start by identifying the problem at hand which is then followed by evaluation of solutions using scientific methods. A scientific method works best when an in this scenario begins by asking myself why is there an unexpected roadblock on this route? Then the next step would be trying to find out if there are other roots leading to my workplace and to identify if there are roadblocks. However, it is also prudent to …show more content…

I walk up to the front door and switch my lights on. However on walking up to where my I always keep my stereo system to switch it on there is no music not even a sound to show that it is working regardless of how many times I try to switch it on.
The first question that will definitely come into my mind will be “why is it no working?” the curiosity of wanting to find out why my stereo is not working would definitely lead me to start evaluating all the possibilities and events that could have lead to my stereo spoiling. This would prompt me to look for the known facts about my current problem. The first question would be doing other appliances work? The next question would be does my stereo behave this way, or this is an exception?
As a matter of fact, there are several factors that can lead to this problem and through scientific method; it is my duty to implement it and attempt to find a solution to my present problem. By establishing these answers, I would develop an initial hypothesis that can be of much help in establishing a solution to my problem.
My initial hypothesis would …show more content…

My socket blew up because of a power surge mainly because it is a long time since I had replaced my sockets.
Testing the hypotheses
To determine the root of the problem, I need to test my hypothesis to ensure that I get the real problem before eventually evaluating my alternatives to ensure I get the best solution regarding effectiveness and efficiency.
The first test would use an alternative socket to determine if actually, my socket blew out. If the radio works, it is clear that the socket must be the cause of the problem. However, if it fails, I need to go to the next hypothesis.
The second hypothesis may be a bit difficult to test because it may require the stereo to be taking to an electrical and electronic expert to check on its capacitors to determine the problem. If the radio works in this scenario, one thing should be clear for sure, that it had blown out in the course of the day due to a power surge.
Data collection
Electricity in the house is still working
The socket looks in a perfect condition

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