The scientific method is defined as procedures to pursuit knowledge while recognizing the formulation of a problem. This method contains six different steps to obtain a theory. Step one make an observations, step two form a question, step three form a hypothesis, step four conduct an experiment, step five analyze data, and finally step six is conclusion. These steps are documented very well so that other scientists researching the same field can refer back to the documentation. Making an observation or asking a question is step one in the scientific method. This step is something that peaks the interest of the scientist such as Charles Darwin. When Charles visited the Galapagos Island the many different species of finches spiked his interest. He wanted to understand …show more content…
Many people have probably asked questions that could easily be scientifically investigated. Since asking a question can convert general wondering into thinking and inquiry.
Suggesting a possible answer or forming a hypothesis is step three. A hypothesis is generally described as an educated guess and is stated as an "if, then" statement. Charles Darwin hypothesized that the finches all evolved from a common ancestor. Forming a hypothesis does not mean forming a perfect answer but provide direction in further investigation.
Step four is conducting an experiment and when many people think of experiments they think of labs and test tubes. While this may be true but it's not always the way a hypothesis can
be tested. Experiments do have to be set up to be tested and must be controlled. Controlling an experiment means setting up a control and experimental group. This allows the results to be compared to a baseline measurement. This step is considered one of the most important steps because it can prove the hypothesis to be true or wrong.
During the experiment scientists must record quality data and conduct many trials.