Scientology Research Paper

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Today, everyone has their own religion and they are following and practicing what their religion is guiding them. Every religion in the world have a common purpose is to teach humans become good and take responsibility for their action and their family. Scientology is no different from the other religions. In Latin word, “SCIO” means “knowing” and in Greek word, “LOGOS” means “study of”, these two combine together is the subject of Scientology “the study and practice of the human soul, universe and after life”. Unlike the other religions, Scientology believes in many things. In fact, it talk about human spirit and the relationship to the universe. It teaches human the laws of life and it helps people to get a happier and fulfilling life when …show more content…

L Ron Hubbard was born on March 13th, 1911 in Nebraska. As a young man, he made friend with Indian tribe known as the Blackfoot that helped him learnt much about the culture of the tribe. After that, the Blackfoot Indian tribe was crowned him to be a blood brother. He replaced Dianetics by Scientology because he believed Scientology is a spiritual practice and cannot be controlled by government or the medical departments. However, until 1954, L Ron Hubbard was announced Scientology as a religion which focused on the spirit known as “thetans” and freedom of religious expression. He believed spirit could heal the physical body. Later in this year, he established the Church of Scientology in Los Angeles, CA which became the main Church and was granted US federal tax-attempt status. In 1960s, L Ron Hubbard created a method to teach people how to reach higher spiritual awareness and ability. He trained every Scientologists with this method. He also created the rules of principles for the organizations. He died on January 24th, 1986 in Creston, CA. Today, Scientology has about 10,000 Churches and officially 600,000 followers. Moreover, Scientology has 30,000 staffs in a lot of countries. Each Church has a permit to teach Scientology by using its methods and …show more content…

The counselor who called an “auditor” have to show the direction to people how to be free from negative thoughts. If people know how to free negative thoughts, they will release its everlasting spirit known as “thetan”. When all of the “engram” have been released, the Scientologist is able to live forever and free. Most of Scientology called that state is “clear”. The practice of Scientology commonly are auditing (listening) and the training known as the “Bridge”. Auditing is a basic practice of Scientology. During this practice, an auditor will listen to the subject and help that person to explore what makes them have negative thoughts. In the auditing practice, the subject may have to connect with a machine called E-Meter (electropsychometer) and developed by L Ron Hubbard. This machine helps the auditors know what causes the negative thoughts. Once negative thoughts has been identified and dealt with, the person will reach to the state of “clear”. After the auditing practice, the Scientologist need to go through the “Bridge’. The goal of the “Bridge” is to reach the level above “clear” known as Operating Thetan level. This level help he or she get through his or her difficult life and gain their