Seafood Sustainability Essay

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OSP--- AHOLD: Seafood Sustainability Project I have choose AHOLD USA, a 27 billion dollar grocery store chain headquartered in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. My OSP highlights their seafood sustainability program which is in partnership with the New England aquarium (Project Blue Planet). The three stakeholders I have chosen are the employees, stockholders, and customers of the corporation. All stakeholders’ reputations benefit from this program. However; each with a different twist. They all benefit from an enhanced brand reputation. The employees are envied by their neighbors for working with a company that values the environment before their profit. The stockholders benefit from this as well. The customers are viewed by the general public as supporting …show more content…

When reading Today’s Dietitian I came across an article where a girl named Maria pleaded with her mother to stop buying seafood. “The oceans are overfished and therefore are out of balance,” she said. “If we don’t stop eating seafood now, the fish populations won’t recover.” (Geige, “Sourcing Sustainable Seafood). This article shows how much people care and pay attention to how over fished and what is going on in the world around us. Ahold will be “going green” however, as we saw in our readings “going green” or embracing any sustainable organization practices can be for reasons that have little to do with good organizational practices which is why it is important to care about the change you are making. Balestrero and Udo (2014) Balestrero and Udo (2014) also stress them financial benefits to introducing going green policies. It is important to understand the cost involved with my implement OSP change. There would be both positive and negative cost effects when implementing this OSP into action. This OSP results in research and cutting cost in fish that the grocery store chain should no longer carry. I set a budget of $10,000 dollars for the OSP. (Balestrero and Uno,

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