
Search Methods For Anna's Murder

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Introduction: At 9:45 am on August 14 an emergency call from Doug Greene was received by the police. He said that he was worried about his neighbor, Anna Garcia for he has not seen her come out of her house for a long time. He explained to the police that he saw Anna walking her dog at 6:30 the previous morning he saw that she was wearing a long sleeved sweater in 92 degree weather. He decided he should call Anna but she didn’t respond, he also noted that her dog had been barking for two hours straight and found that unusual. Doug went over to Anna’s house and rang the doorbell as well, no answer. After the 911 operator received the call he/she notified the emergency medical technicians. The emergency medical technicians and the police showed …show more content…

We created a concept map with the key parts of what needed to happen to get the correct answer. Next, in 1.1.2 we examined how we should draw the crime scene by starting from the middle or going from left to right but those are only two examples of search methods. In 1.1.3 we found out who was a part of Anna's life around the time of her death. 1.1.4 was our first lab, our goal was to find which pill was lying on the floor in the crime scene, who did the blood come from, who's hair was caught in the lamp and which person left their fingerprint on the orange juice bottle. During the lesson our result were based on observations, we found that the blood left at the crime scene was type B so it had belonged to either Anna or Alex because the had type B as well. The hair found in the lamp at the crime scene was Anna's because it had an identical cuticle, cortex and medulla. The fingerprint that was left on the orange juice was Alex's fingerprint. Now, Alex had mentioned to police that he had been at Anna's house the night before she died to discuss financial issues because they used to be married. The last part of the experiment was identifying the unknown substance, we concluded the substance was Acetylsalicylic which is another word for Aspirin. This substance had the same appearance and reaction to the three different indicators as the substance found at the crime scene. 1.1.5

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