Selection Request Essay

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Dear Selection Committee: I would like to recommend Kristina Smith for acceptance into the Psychometry Graduate Studies program at Jackson State University. I have known Ms. Smith, professionally, for over 15 years. Her journey into the field of Education started at Southern University and since graduation, she has continuously provided guidance, support, and recommendations on behalf of students. Enrolling into this program will allow her the opportunity to further pursue her quest of assisting our students. The Psychometry program at Jackson State University is designed to provide educators with skills that will allow them to assess student learning and to ensure that tests and results are reliable and valid. As an educator, Ms. Smith …show more content…

This means that she monitored students through initial interest, tryouts, and final determination. At every step of the process, Ms. Smith analyzed the student, made a decision, and clearly expressed her next steps. As an invigilator that also consulted on school leadership teams, she used her experience in the classroom to provide other administrators with firsthand knowledge of how testing should be conducted. Using her experience, the team was able to make the adjustments and have a successful testing season. More specifically, she provided a recommendation that students from the lower grades be separated from students from the higher grades and this recommendation decreased distractions throughout the day. Lastly, while providing the above-mentioned services, she received a Master’s Degree. This means that she was able to uniquely prioritize her time to serve as a coach, consultant, and student. Speaking with Ms. Smith during this time, she mentioned that she used the Pomodoro Technique, which requires focus and recalibration. She was able to select a task and focus on that task for a specific amount of time, take a break, and repeat the process for all other tasks on her list. This is a very specific skill that has allowed her to become successful throughout all of her past endeavors. I believe that this skill will translate into success in the Psychometry program at Jackson State