Student Interview Essay

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Tzu Yu Chiang (Jenny Chiang) is an extraordinary young woman. As her principal, I have seen her grow over the past four years and have long been impressed by her passion and desire to achieve a high standard in all things that she does. More than four years ago, I interviewed her as a potential student in the middle of her 8th grade year. I knew immediately that she was a unique student. She did not fit into the Taiwanese education system and we were a school that provided the flexibility to meet her needs. In Tzu Yu’s time at TAIS, I have frequently served as her honorary counselor, and worked with her in a number of community service projects. As she is now an upperclassman, she frequently volunteers to be a Chinese translator for me when I present to individuals who are not fluent in English. In the most recently community …show more content…

She asked for my recommendation, even though I have not yet taught her in a formal class, because she felt that I know her the best of all the teachers.

When describing Tzu Yu as a student, I must state that her passion to reach the ideal scenario in all things is her greatest strength and weakness. An example of this as a strength can be seen in her desire to help the school. She feels that she is a part of the TAIS family and wants TAIS to be the best school that it can be. When she sees situations that she believed could be better at TAIS, she doesn’t complain to the students around her, but will seek out myself or another teachers and diplomatically discussed the issue

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